  • 我的观影记录

  It is the year 1891 and a military doctor, Lieutenant Claude de Ross (Claudio Cassinelli) a survivor of not one, but two shipwrecks, washes ashore on a mysterious, uncharted Caribbean island along with a handful of convicts. When several of these convicts meet unfortunate ends at the hands of the titular fishmen, Claude and the other survivors flee into the jungle, only to encounter the sadistic Edmond Rackham (Richard Johnson) and his beautiful captive Amanda Marvin (Barbara Bach).   Amanda's father, Professor Ernest Marvin (Joseph Cotten), a once-famed biologist, has discovered a way to transform humans into amphibious creatures and controls their every move. Rackham manipulates Marvin into performing the procedure upon both willing and unwilling participants by assuring him that his work is undertaken for purely scientific and humanitarian motives (Marvin hopes to reduce strain on the world food supply by creating a race of people who can live in the resource-untapped ocean). Having discovered the lost city of Atlantis beneath the waters surrounding the island however, Rackham is in actuality using the half-human monsters to plunder the lost city of its treasures.   Shakira (Beryl Cunningham), a voodoo priestess in the employ of Rackham foretells death and destruction descending upon the island.   The priestess' prophecy is fulfilled as the film ends with Claude and Amanda attempting an escape from a gun-wielding Rackham, a crazed Shakira, uncontrolled fishmen and the very volcano that doomed Atlantis which awakens and threatens to send what unsubmerged landmass remains to oblivion.   译文(3): 1891年,一位军医克劳德·德·罗斯中尉(克劳迪奥·卡西内利饰)和几名罪犯一起被冲上了一个神秘的、未知的加勒比海岛屿,他不是一次,而是两次沉船事故的幸存者。当这些罪犯中的几人在有名无实的渔夫手中遭遇不幸时,克劳德和其他幸存者逃到丛林中,却遇到了虐待狂的埃德蒙德·拉卡姆(理查德·约翰逊饰)和他美丽的俘虏阿曼达·马文(芭芭拉·巴赫饰)。


2024-05-31 14:13:28,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片别名:Big Alligator River,Great Alligator River,Alligators




◎影片时长:USA: 89 分钟


◎影片编剧:Mara 乔治·伊斯特曼 赛尔乔·马蒂诺 

◎影片主演:Peter Bobby 安妮·帕帕 理查德·约翰逊 萝莉·德尔·桑托 芭芭拉·贝芝 西尔维娅·科拉蒂娜 克劳迪奥·卡西内利 梅尔·费勒 克拉拉·科洛西莫 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 14:13:28


  It is the year 1891 and a military doctor, Lieutenant Claude de Ross (Claudio Cassinelli) a survivor of not one, but two shipwrecks, washes ashore on a mysterious, uncharted Caribbean island along with a handful of convicts. When several of these convicts meet unfortunate ends at the hands of the titular fishmen, Claude and the other survivors flee into the jungle, only to encounter the sadistic Edmond Rackham (Richard Johnson) and his beautiful captive Amanda Marvin (Barbara Bach).

  Amanda's father, Professor Ernest Marvin (Joseph Cotten), a once-famed biologist, has discovered a way to transform humans into amphibious creatures and controls their every move. Rackham manipulates Marvin into performing the procedure upon both willing and unwilling participants by assuring him that his work is undertaken for purely scientific and humanitarian motives (Marvin hopes to reduce strain on the world food supply by creating a race of people who can live in the resource-untapped ocean). Having discovered the lost city of Atlantis beneath the waters surrounding the island however, Rackham is in actuality using the half-human monsters to plunder the lost city of its treasures.

  Shakira (Beryl Cunningham), a voodoo priestess in the employ of Rackham foretells death and destruction descending upon the island.

  The priestess' prophecy is fulfilled as the film ends with Claude and Amanda attempting an escape from a gun-wielding Rackham, a crazed Shakira, uncontrolled fishmen and the very volcano that doomed Atlantis which awakens and threatens to send what unsubmerged landmass remains to oblivion.

  译文(3): 1891年,一位军医克劳德·德·罗斯中尉(克劳迪奥·卡西内利饰)和几名罪犯一起被冲上了一个神秘的、未知的加勒比海岛屿,他不是一次,而是两次沉船事故的幸存者。当这些罪犯中的几人在有名无实的渔夫手中遭遇不幸时,克劳德和其他幸存者逃到丛林中,却遇到了虐待狂的埃德蒙德·拉卡姆(理查德·约翰逊饰)和他美丽的俘虏阿曼达·马文(芭芭拉·巴赫饰)。


  {安吉熊为您整理了电影《鳄鱼河历险记》的相关资讯,《鳄鱼河历险记》于意大利上映,是一部由导演赛尔乔·马蒂诺 导演执导,Mara 乔治·伊斯特曼 赛尔乔·马蒂诺 担任编剧,Peter Bobby 安妮·帕帕 理查德·约翰逊 萝莉·德尔·桑托 芭芭拉·贝芝 西尔维娅·科拉蒂娜 克劳迪奥·卡西内 等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上安吉熊(www.ntgzjc.com),本网站同时也提供《鳄鱼河历险记》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


