  • 我的观影记录

  Sergio Martino's 1973 poliziotteschi The Violent Professionals aka Milano Trema – La Polizia Vuole Giustizia doesn't exactly reinvent the wheel, but it's one of the better examples of an overpopulated genre, with Luc Merenda playing the typical shoot-first-so-you-don't-have-to-ask-questions-later maverick cop after the gang that killed his boss and several innocent bystanders. Like I said, it doesn't exactly reinvent the wheel, but it does make sure it keeps turning fairly efficiently for 104 minutes. It's not as good as its enthusiastic cult reputation implies, not least because the big twist about the motive behind a series of gratuitously violent bank robberies isn't exactly surprising (like the Red Brigades of the day, the robbers are more interested in spreading chaos than getting rich), but it does get extra points for being one of the few films where, when a car crashes over a hill, it doesn't explode in a ball of fire on the way down. There's also a great spin on the omnipresent car-driving-through-stacks-of-empty-crates shot in one chase scene by having Merenda's car drive through stacks of burning crates that was so popular the footage was reused in at least two other movies (Milano Odia: La Polizia Non Può Sparare and Roma a Mano Armata). Richard Conte is the contractually obligatory American co-star, acquitting himself well despite some hilariously obvious doubling in a fight scene, Tinto Brass regular Martine Brochard makes an attractive junkie and there's a catchy De Angelis brothers score.


2024-05-31 13:04:12,最后更新于 1月前




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◎影片别名:Violent Professionals




◎影片时长:104 分钟


◎影片主演:理查德·康特 吕克·米朗德 莉阿·唐塞 斯特芬·扎哈里亚斯 卡拉·曼奇尼 卢西亚诺·罗西 迈克尔·福瑞斯特 布鲁诺·科拉扎里 卢西亚诺·巴托利 罗萨里奥·博雷利 Carlo 克里斯·阿夫拉姆 马汀娜·波萨 




◎更新时间:2024-05-31 13:04:12


  Sergio Martino's 1973 poliziotteschi The Violent Professionals aka Milano Trema – La Polizia Vuole Giustizia doesn't exactly reinvent the wheel, but it's one of the better examples of an overpopulated genre, with Luc Merenda playing the typical shoot-first-so-you-don't-have-to-ask-questions-later maverick cop after the gang that killed his boss and several innocent bystanders. Like I said, it doesn't exactly reinvent the wheel, but it does make sure it keeps turning fairly efficiently for 104 minutes. It's not as good as its enthusiastic cult reputation implies, not least because the big twist about the motive behind a series of gratuitously violent bank robberies isn't exactly surprising (like the Red Brigades of the day, the robbers are more interested in spreading chaos than getting rich), but it does get extra points for being one of the few films where, when a car crashes over a hill, it doesn't explode in a ball of fire on the way down. There's also a great spin on the omnipresent car-driving-through-stacks-of-empty-crates shot in one chase scene by having Merenda's car drive through stacks of burning crates that was so popular the footage was reused in at least two other movies (Milano Odia: La Polizia Non Può Sparare and Roma a Mano Armata). Richard Conte is the contractually obligatory American co-star, acquitting himself well despite some hilariously obvious doubling in a fight scene, Tinto Brass regular Martine Brochard makes an attractive junkie and there's a catchy De Angelis brothers score.


  {安吉熊为您整理了电影《以暴制暴》的相关资讯,《以暴制暴》于意大利上映,是一部由导演赛尔乔·马蒂诺 导演执导,理查德·康特 吕克·米朗德 莉阿·唐塞 斯特芬·扎哈里亚斯 卡拉·曼奇尼 卢西亚诺·罗西 迈克尔·福瑞斯特 布鲁诺·科拉 等演员精彩演绎的意大利电影,手机免费观看全集高清未删减完整版电影大全就上安吉熊(www.ntgzjc.com),本网站同时也提供《以暴制暴》的BT种子、迅雷、磁力链等下载资源。更多相关信息可移步至豆瓣电影、电视猫或剧情网等平台了解。最后温馨提示:在享受影片带给我们的学习和娱乐体验的同时,请不要长时间处于近距离观影状态,这样对视力和眼睛疲劳有负面影响。


